There are currently around 4.3 million Australians living with a disability of some kind - with more than 500 000 having a significant or permanent disability. There’s also a significant number of Australians living with a disability, who don’t even know it.

In response to the need for support of this magnitude, the Australian Government has rolled out the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for funding, a person may have an intellectual (e.g. Down syndrome), physical (e.g. loss of a limb), cognitive (e.g. brain injury), sensory (e.g. deafness) or psychosocial (e.g.  schizophrenia) disability, or any combination of these.

Disabilities can be congenital (from birth) or acquired (e.g. through an injury or illness). Some disabilities are invisible - you might not even realise the person sitting next to you has one.

In some cases, a person may not even realise they can be classified as having a ‘disability’ and not seek the support they need or funding they are entitled to.

Examples include a child with an auditory processing issue that has not yet been identified, as he has been doing fairly well at school; a rock climber who had a fall five years ago and has experienced progressive memory loss and seizures over time, making it difficult for him to drive; or an office worker with Borderline Personality Disorder who has been consistently labelled ‘difficult’ by co-workers and struggles to maintain her employment.  

While each of these people would likely be experiencing ‘difficulties’ in their day to day lives, they may ‘push through’, not realising that so much help is available or that they meet the criteria for funding.

Or they may be reluctant to be labelled with a ‘disability’. This label can be particularly hard to accept for a person with a newly acquired disability or for disabilities that carry a perceived stigma.

Accessing NDIS assistance doesn’t mean foregoing independence or dignity. In fact, the opposite is normally the case. When a person receives support to manage their condition, daily life and work environment, a world of new possibilities can open up - and certain conditions may even improve!

For example, the same child with the auditory processing issue could receive speech pathology sessions under his funding and see a dramatic improvement in both his symptoms and his grades; the rock climber could have transport provisions included on his plan, enabling him to visit his children regularly; and the office worker might receive assistance to find a position with an equal opportunity employer who provides an emotionally safe and understanding work environment.

The NDIS funds a range of support services to assist participants in maintaining their daily activities and household duties; accessing transport; finding and keeping a job; allied health services; and home, equipment or vehicle modifications.

These supports can make a massive difference to a person’s life. They can GIVE a person their dignity and independence back.

However, the initial stages of applying for the NDIS can be confusing to navigate - especially for people with certain disabilities – and potential participants can be deterred from lodging their application.

Artius Health is here to help. Our caring and experienced NDIS team will take you through the NDIS process, step by step, from finding out your eligibility, to lodging your application, developing your support plan and coordinating services to meet your individual needs.

Our mission is to help you reach your potential, wherever you are on your life’s journey.

Our NDIS services include Psychology, Social Work, Support Coordination, Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy.

We accept referrals from other NDIS service providers on behalf of participants, self-referrals from participants (or their carers) and GP referrals.

Once we receive a referral, a member of our friendly team makes contact to book a Service Agreement Meeting, which participants, service providers and carers are all welcome to attend to discuss the participant’s goals, expectations, questions and concerns.

Our NDIS plans are developed together with participants, as we want to ensure they receive the support they need and WANT.

To find out more about how our NDIS support services can make a difference in your life or the life of someone you care for, contact Artius Health on 1300 764 003 or email